nitrate filter – Water Testing Blog & Water Test Kit Store "It's your water, your health.. and ultimately your LIFE!" Thu, 30 Dec 2021 07:33:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Record Nitrate Levels Showing Up in Iowa Water Thu, 06 Jun 2013 13:03:53 +0000 Nitrate levels in excess of EPA regulations (10 mg/L or 10 ppm) have started showing up in surface water in Iowa and other states in the region. Heavy rains have washed excess fertilizer from corn fields leftover from last year’s crops into lakes, rivers and streams.

Test Strips for Nitrates & Nitrites
Test Strips for
Nitrates & Nitrites

Farmers in the region contended with devastating droughts last year which caused corn crops to struggle in the sun drenched, hard arid soil. Since the crops did not develop like usual, they therefore did not soak up as much of the nitrates (from fertilizer) as they normally would and the excess sat on the ground until record-breaking and near record-breaking periods of rainfall this Spring.

Now everyone in the region has their eye on nitrate levels in the major rivers which, if allowed to get too high, could cause a whole lot of drinking water contamination problems for around 45% of Iowa residents… because many municipalities in Iowa draw their drinking water from bodies of surface water.

As an example of how elevated nitrate levels have already started to affect people besides farmers, one municipality has recently re-activated a very expensive nitrate removal system that costs an estimated $7,000 per day to operate. That extra $7k a day in expenses naturally will get passed on to customers and cause a spike in their water bills.

Why do corn fields contain so many nitrates?

According to what we have read, growing corn properly requires the use of more nitrogen rich fertilizer than a lot of other crops. Therefore, if a growing season’s corn crop does not consume all of the nutrients farmers put down, it sits in the soil waiting for next year’s planting season or a good, heavy rain to wash it away.

Well Water Test Kit Includes Tests for Nitrates & Nitrites
Basic Well Water Test Kit
Includes Tests for
Nitrates & Nitrites

Nitrates a danger to humans?

In the past we wrote about a condition known as Blue Baby Syndrome which you can read about in an article called Testing for Nitrates Drinking Water. For those not interested in reading the article, we will sum up the takeaway points for you:

  • Experts believe nitrates may hinder the ability of a baby’s body to properly carry oxygen in the bloodstream. By baby we mean an infant up to roughly six months of age.
  • Health officials warn pregnant women not to consume water containing nitrate levels 10 mg/L (ppm) or higher.
  • Medical professionals warn parents and caregivers against preparing formula bottles using water that contains nitrate levels 10 mg/L (ppm) or higher.

Now that you know nitrates in drinking water can cause health problems and that the US Environmental Protection Agency has set the MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level) for nitrates in drinking water at 10 mg/L (ppm), you may find yourself asking, “How can I test for nitrates in my water?”

Laboratory Water Testing Package for Well Water Includes Tests for Nitrates & Nitrites
Well Water Testing Package Includes
Test for Nitrates & Nitrites

Testing for nitrates in drinking water

In agricultural areas and after regional flooding we have seen a number of cases where local health departments have offered free or reduced rate nitrate testing as well as testing for other critical water quality parameters like coliform bacteria. We suggest contacting your local health department to see if they have any discounted water testing programs available.

If no such programs exist in your area, you can always perform nitrate testing on your own using products like the WaterWorks Nitrate & Nitrite Test Strips which provide fast, accurate on-the-spot water test results… and don’t cost a small fortune.

On the complete opposite end of the expense spectrum you could have your water tested by a certified water testing lab by mail. National Testing Laboratories offers a well water testing package called Well-Check that includes tests for bacteria (total coliform and e-coli), 19 heavy metals and minerals (including lead, arsenic and mercury), 6 inorganic chemicals (including nitrates and fluoride) and 5 physical factors (including pH and hardness). Test results typically get emailed to customers within 10 to 14 days.

Removing or reducing nitrates in drinking water?

Should you have the misfortune of finding out you have elevated levels of nitrates in your drinking water you will more than likely want to reduce those levels. For that you will need a water filtration system. While selecting a water filter make certain you read through the list of contaminants that each filter takes out because not all drinking water filters currently on the market will remove nitrates.

Below you will find several models of water filters that WILL help reduce nitrate levels in well water, tap water, city water, surface water, etc. The models below range from a simple disposable counter top model for nitrate removal all the way up to a whole house filter for nitrate removal.

Counter top nitrate filter
Counter Top Nitrate Filter

Undersink nitrate filter
Undersink Nitrate Filter

Whole house nitrate filter
Whole House Nitrate Filter

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Nitrate Filters for ‘Big Blue’ Filter Housings Wed, 06 Jul 2011 13:03:07 +0000 Yesterday we discussed a few testing and removal options for nitrates. Today we’d like to address an issue brought to our attention by several readers: nitrate filters for existing filter housings.

A good number of water filter companies have started using one of several common sizes (20″x2.5″, 10″x2.5″, 20″x4.5″, 10″x4.5″) for their housings in an effort to standardize product lines between manufacturers and give consumers more filtering options once they own a particular type of filter system.

Many people refer to those sizes as ‘big blue’ sizes since at one time, and still to this day, a very popular brand of water filter (Pentek) manufactured its products using blue polypropylene.

Filter Water: 20 x 4.5 Inch Big Blue Filter
20″ x 4.5″ Big Blue Filter Housing

Filter Water: 10 x 4.5 Inch Big Blue Filter Housing
10″ x 4.5″ Big Blue Filter Housing

Now that you know a bit more about filter housing sizes, and hopefully have figured out the correct size cartridge for the unit you own, below you will find several replacement nitrate filter cartridge options:

Filter Water: Multistage Nitrate Filter
Multistage Nitrate Filter

Filter Water: Replacement Nitrate Filter Cartridge
Nitrate Filter Cartridge

Filter Water: 20-Inch Nitrate Filter Cartridge
20-Inch Nitrate Filter

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Free Nitrate Testing Offered at Husker Festival in Nebraska Fri, 10 Sep 2010 02:05:11 +0000

A few days ago we posted information about how nitrates in drinking water could possibly cause health problems. Specifically, we talked about a condition known as blue baby syndrome which can definitely prove fatal.

Today, though, we have some good news for residents in an area of Nebraska: Free Nitrate Testing at the Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island.

We always like it when someone takes the initiative to make nitrate testing, or any other type of well water testing available to the public for a good price… and we like it more when someone offers it for FREE!

Associated Press – September 7, 2010 5:35 AM ET

GRAND ISLAND, Neb. (AP) – Nebraskans who wonder about nitrates in their well water are being invited to have it tested free at Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island.

A cup of the water is needed for the testing in the Natural Resources Tent at the Husker Harvest grounds. Testing will be done Sept. 14-15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDT and between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sept. 16.

Results will be available about an hour after samples are dropped off.

Experts say nitrates pose extra danger to infants and pregnant women and anyone who has a weak immune system. Livestock also are susceptible to nitrate poisoning.

Nitrate can naturally occur, but it is also a byproduct of fertilizer and manure. ( source )

So what happens when if the water test comes back positive for nitrates? Does the mean you will get sick and die? All depends upon the level of nitrates in the water. Oh, and as always, people with certain pre-existing medical conditions may find themselves more likely to suffer from the effects of elevated nitrate levels in drinking water.

Getting rid of nitrates in drinking water?

While nitrates typically pose more of a danger to people in the country, or more specifically in farming/agricultural areas, pretty much anyone with well water ought to test for nitrates every once in a while. If test results come back positive for elevated nitrate levels, then a nitrate removal system will definitely come in handy.

A long time ago people with high nitrate levels in their water had limited options available to them for nitrate removal. Those days have passed. Now homeowners and/or private well owners have multiple options.

Filter Water: Inline Nitrate Filter
Inline Nitrate Filter

Filter Water: No-Cartridge Nitrate Filter, Countertop
No-Cartridge Nitrate Filter

Filter Water: Undersink Nitrate Filter
Undersink Nitrate Filter

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