Anyone who knows the authors of Water Testing Blog knows how much they love to drink beer… so it ought to come as no shock that an article involving a brewery AND pristine spring water would catch their attention.
St. Paul, Minn. — Long before glaciers rolled through Minnesota, a massive pool of water circulated throughout the Twin Cities, and soon, residents will be able to line up at a well in St. Paul, and fill up their jugs with the water that experts say is about 30,000 years old.
“When you think about it, the woolly mammoths were drinking that water, potentially,” said Michael Convery, a hydrologist with the Minnesota Department of Health. ( source )
We have always believed that better beer would come from better water and now even though the water won’t get put to use as a beer ingredient, some folks in Minnesota will certainly have some fine tasting water — unless the woolly mammoths did a lot of backwashing! Ha ha. Gross.
The brewery will have to test the water for all sorts of things before selling it to the public so woolly mammoth backwash ought not cause any health issues… but what about the water coming from YOUR well, huh?