About two months ago we posted an article (Four Bottle Water Filter Station — by 3M Filtrete) about an innovative idea that gives people the convenience of bottled water without the expense of having to purchase it all the time.
The Filtrete Water Station uses a recyclable filter to reduce levels of sediment and the taste and odor of chlorine from water… and then puts the filtered water into four reusable 16.9 ounce bottles.
Does this unit remove EVERY possible drinking water contaminant? No, but since some bottled water companies take tap water, filter it, bottle it, and then sell it… don’t you think you could do the same at home for a lot less money?
Granted many of those companies may use more sophisticated methods of water purification such as reverse osmosis, but not all of them.
Also, please don’t forget about the space in landfills you would not take up with all the disposable, empty water bottles you would no longer throw out.
“Oh, but I recycle my water bottles….”
Good for you! Too bad not ALL of the material that goes into the production and packaging of most bottled water can get recycled. The fact that the bottle and (sometimes) the caps can get recycled does NOT mean the plastic coated cardboard boxes used to ship the product will break down nicely in nature or get recycled.
And what about the fossil fuel used to cart all those bottles from the factory — and yes, we said factory. The image that a group of people sit around a remote location secretly bottling pure, safe and pristine drinking water is exactly that: an image — to the distribution center and from there to countless locations before it finally ends up in the cooler for you to grab as you head off to another meeting, to the gym or out for an afternoon of frantic Christmas shopping.?
Don’t get us wrong
We LOVE that (many) people have committed themselves to recycling the waste from various products they use on a daily basis. We just hope that more people will start bottling their own water at home instead of paying outrageous prices for filtered water that has an ecological footprint extending well beyond its trendy, recyclable container.