A few days ago we posted information about how nitrates in drinking water could possibly cause health problems. Specifically, we talked about a condition known as blue baby syndrome which can definitely prove fatal.

Today, though, we have some good news for residents in an area of Nebraska: Free Nitrate Testing at the Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island.

We always like it when someone takes the initiative to make nitrate testing, or any other type of well water testing available to the public for a good price… and we like it more when someone offers it for FREE!

Associated Press – September 7, 2010 5:35 AM ET

GRAND ISLAND, Neb. (AP) – Nebraskans who wonder about nitrates in their well water are being invited to have it tested free at Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island.

A cup of the water is needed for the testing in the Natural Resources Tent at the Husker Harvest grounds. Testing will be done Sept. 14-15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDT and between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sept. 16.

Results will be available about an hour after samples are dropped off.

Experts say nitrates pose extra danger to infants and pregnant women and anyone who has a weak immune system. Livestock also are susceptible to nitrate poisoning.

Nitrate can naturally occur, but it is also a byproduct of fertilizer and manure. ( source )

So what happens when if the water test comes back positive for nitrates? Does the mean you will get sick and die? All depends upon the level of nitrates in the water. Oh, and as always, people with certain pre-existing medical conditions may find themselves more likely to suffer from the effects of elevated nitrate levels in drinking water.

Getting rid of nitrates in drinking water?

While nitrates typically pose more of a danger to people in the country, or more specifically in farming/agricultural areas, pretty much anyone with well water ought to test for nitrates every once in a while. If test results come back positive for elevated nitrate levels, then a nitrate removal system will definitely come in handy.

A long time ago people with high nitrate levels in their water had limited options available to them for nitrate removal. Those days have passed. Now homeowners and/or private well owners have multiple options.

Filter Water: Inline Nitrate Filter
Inline Nitrate Filter

Filter Water: No-Cartridge Nitrate Filter, Countertop
No-Cartridge Nitrate Filter

Filter Water: Undersink Nitrate Filter
Undersink Nitrate Filter