Listen up, folks, because someone has posted yet ANOTHER article which attacks the long believed myth that people ought to drink bottled water because it comes from better, healthier, more pristine and much more pure places than tap water. Below you will find excerpts from The Truth About Bottled Water which spell out in no uncertain terms why bottled doesn’t always mean better when it comes to the water you drink.
Dasani and Aquafina on Trial…
You may actually be drinking tap water. Case in point: Dasani, a Coca-Cola product. Despite its exotic-sounding name, Dasani is simply purified tap water that’s had minerals added back in. For example, if your Dasani water was bottled at the Coca-Cola Bottling Company in Philadelphia, you’re drinking Philly tap water. But it’s not the only brand of water that relies on city pipes to provide its product. About 25 percent of all bottled water is taken from municipal water sources, including Pepsi’s Aquafina. ( source )
Yep. Many of the bottled water products people pay way too much for come from same local water companies that supply water to the faucets in the back of the stores that sell the bottled water.
Argument: “Oh yeah? Well bottled water went from the tap in the factory through a filter and into the bottle. Straight tap water traveled through miles and miles of pipes since getting purified!”
Rebuttal: “True, but you can save hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars a year by investing in personal water bottles equipped with replaceable filters which will allow you to grab tap water on the go from pretty much any faucet and purify it on the spot for immediate consumption.”
Gas Guzzlers + Water Guzzlers = Oil Crisis
No, we did not make a mistake just now. We meant to write that equation in the exact manner that we wrote it.
Our country’s high demand for oil isn’t just due to long commutes. ?Most water bottles are composed of a plastic called polyethylene terepthalate (PET). Now, to make PET, you need crude oil.
Specifically, 17 million barrels of oil are used in the production of PET water bottles ever year, estimate University of Louisville scientists. No wonder the per ounce cost of bottled water rivals that of gasoline. ( source )
Yep. Facts like those make us do a double-take each time we see people going to BJ’s Sam’s Club or Wal-Mart in their giant SUV’s so they can stuff the cargo areas with cases and cases of battled water.
Argument: “Oh, please… People SAVE money by buying their bottled water in bulk. Everybody KNOWS that!”
Rebuttal: “With most things, yes, people save money by buying in bulk. In this case, though, even a severely discounted price on bottled water STILL amounts to the average person paying as much, if not more, per gallon for the water than they did for the gas they put in their vehicle. Even if people purchase their bottled water for just $1 per 1.75 liter container (an unheard of price for ‘good’ bottled water), they would still wind up paying $3.78 per gallon for the water.”
Now for Some Recycling News:
86 percent of 30 billion PET water bottles sold annually are tossed in the trash, instead of being recycled, according to data from the Container Recycling Institute.( source )
This saddened every single staff member here at Water Testing Blog not because of the volume of waste generated by bottled water, although that does suck, but rather because of the hypocrisy shown by so many of the people who drink bottled water. Many of them claim eco-friendly lifestyles, drive hybrid vehicles, and look down on those who don’t share their passion for living the ‘green life’.
The Final Word on Bottled Water (for now)
We all agree that people require safe, clean drinking water to live and that having safe, clean drinking water on-hand at all times makes life more pleasant. We can also agree, most likely, that filling up landfills with used plastic bottles makes no sense especially when viable, logical alternatives exist.
Stop buying bottled water and carry your own personal water purification system such as the Katadyn Exstream Personal Water Bottle Purifier which allows users to draw water from pretty much any source (water faucet, garden hose, river, lake, stream, etc.) and have clean, safe drinking water in no time.
The cost for such convenience rings in far lower than bottled water. A single unit processes 26 gallons of water before the filter needs replacing and costs around $40. The same amount of ‘reputable’ bottled water would cost at LEAST twice that, if not close to three times that amount.
How much do replacement filters for the Katadyn Exstream Personal Water Bottle Purifier cost? Around $33, last we checked. And remember, that $33 gets you safe, clean drinking water pretty much ANYwhere you might go.