A few months ago we wrote a small piece on a company called Puralytics whose new photochemical water purification system may revolutionize the way people get safe drinking water while camping or after a natural disaster strikes. In that article we mentioned Puralytics Finalist Status in Imagine H20 Prize.
Obviously not willing to rest on its laurels, Puralytics has now received a grant to further development and commercialization of its photochemical water filtration products.
Inside sources predict a commercial launching of the products sometime in 2010.
Puralytics has received a grant from ONAMI, the Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute, to advance their unique water treatment capability. This grant is provided though the ONAMI Gap Fund, which will fund technology research and verification in conjunction with Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Puralytics has developed a photochemical water purification technology using semiconductor light sources and nanotechnology, with 100% water recovery, low energy, and environmentally sound products. This new process has demonstrated effectiveness eliminating organics, heavy metals, and pathogens from water. ( source )
All of us here at Water Testing Blog congratulate Puralytics on its accomplishments thus far and look forward to learning more about their new products as they become available!