Although this blog tries to deal mainly with water quality and matters directly related to water quality testing, the following bit of information about dangerous levels of arsenic in food caught our attention and we felt compelled to post it:

“A lack of regulation means a third of baby rice on sale in the UK contains worryingly high levels of carcinogenic inorganic arsenic, according to researchers.

The study, carried out by scientists from the University of Aberdeen and published this month in the journal Environmental Pollution, said this meant some children could be getting six times the recommended inorganic arsenic for their weight.

The levels detected in some of the samples would be illegal in China, where there are stringent controls in place. But while there are European Union and American regulations for arsenic levels in drinking water, there are currently no laws to direct the amounts of arsenic allowed in food products.

Furthermore, current guidelines on intake are based on outdated research conducted before arsenic was found to be a carcinogen, according to the researchers.

This calls into question the need for am urgent review on the situation.

“It is apparent that inorganic arsenic levels in baby rice should be of concern,” said lead scientist, Andrew Meharg.

Read the full story here.”

Pretty frightening stuff. We cannot help but wonder if the methodology used to test arsenic levels in soil with the Arsenic Quick test kit could also work for testing arsenic levels in certain types of foods.