In a recent article by Andrew Zeigler in Water Conditioning & Purification Magazine, we found the following statement intended for dealers of drinking water treatment systems which we certainly do agree with:
“Stop using the TDS (total dissolved solids) meter as the only measurement of water quality. Disinfection Byproducts like Trihalomethanes, Volatile Organic Compounds, METHYL tertiary-butyl ether, chlorine, chloramines, cysts and lead are the primary contaminants to Public Water Systems. They have no impact on the conductivity of the water. Yet these do not register on a TDS meter. And public water systems primarily supply from surface water that tends to have low TDS levels.” ( Water Conditioning & Purification Magazine, March 2009, page 42 )
While TDS does play a large part in the determining whether or not your water will leave deposits on your fixtures, it alone does not indicate the relative safety and purity of your water. As always Water Testing Blog suggests that people get their water tested by Certified Water Analysis Laboratories if they suspect a serious health risk.
For all other water testing needs, simple at home drinking water test kits used in conjunction with TDS meters ought to work just fine. you can find more information about home drinking water test kits on this page. You can also find more information about home drinking water test kits by using the links below:
Arsenic in Water and Soil: Arsenic QuickTM
Bacteria in Water: Bacteria Check
Chlorine Residual (Free): SenSafeTM Free Chlorine Water Check
Chlorine Residual (Total): SenSafeTM Total Chlorine Water Check
Lead in Water: Lead in Water Test Kit
Multi Parameter (6 Parameters): Well Water Check
Multi Parameter (11 Parameters): Well Driller Standard Water Test Kit
Multi Parameter (13 Parameters): COMPLETE Water Test Kit
Multi Parameter (15 Parameters): Water Quality Test Kit