According to a study conducted in Australia involving 300 households where half received real filters to filter the collected water and half used fake filters which contained no filtration media, scientists detected no real differences in health or general wellness between those who filtered the rainwater and those who did not.
Does this mean you can safely drink the water falling from the sky in your neck of the woods without filtering it first? That all depends upon where you live… so play it safe and don’t take chances with your health.
1) Submit a sample of collected rainwater to a certified water testing lab for through analysis before consuming.
2) Research safe and effective way to store your collected rainwater because water falling from the sky contains no disinfectants or sanitizers to keep bacteria from living, thriving and breeding.
3) Get into the habit of performing routine testing on your rainwater. Ever-changing environmental factors (including, but in no way limited to, pollution caused by mankind) can result in sudden shifts in water quality. Remember: Experts say acid rain results from pollution and acid rain has killed off entire ecosystems.