We have all heard about the hypothetical reality where the world runs out of ‘pure’ water and we all have to start drinking something called ‘grey water’. For those unfamiliar with the term, grey water refers to water that may have come from a wastewater treatment facility that handles sewage.
Grey water starts as sewage, goes through extensive filtering and remediation, and then gets pointed in the direction currently of irrigation systems (in most cases) but could one day get reintroduced to the public’s drinking water system.
Wanna’ hear something even MORE shocking?
A company called Livestock Water Recycling Inc. in Calgary started operations in 1990 and has developed a method by which cow and hog manure volume gets reduced by around 85% and cleanly separated into the following components: 1) fertilizer solids; 2) compost; 3) concentrated ammonium; and 4) … water classified as reusable.
According to Ross Thurston, the developer of this new technology and founder of Livestock Water Recycling Inc., the water produced by his company’s process meets all requirements for safe drinking water — which he proves by consuming a glass during presentations.
Scary reality lurking in the background
As we keep depleting the Earth’s safe, fresh drinking water supply we speed headfirst toward the eventuality that one day soon we will have no choice but to rely on technologies like this one to provide us with water for everyday use.
We do have a choice, though: Start conserving the water we have left, keep finding new ways to protect the water we have left, and continue developing new technologies to clean up the water that we have already contaminated.
What does this article have to do with water testing?
Believe us when we say that anyone considering taking a swig of ‘manure water’ will want to test it for everything they can think of before taking a drink!