We believe more people need to ask that question — especially if they have well water in their homes or rely upon municipal water systems that may have older, potentially damaged water mains delivering water to their homes. In both scenarios bacteria could suddenly, and without warning, introduce itself to water supplies and put the health of entire families at risk.
So… What can $6 a month do to help? Simple: For around just $6 per month homeowners can now perform testing for coliform bacteria at home using a test kit such as the WaterWorks EZ Coliform Test Kit which uses an EPA Compliant test procedure to test for the presence of coliform bacteria in drinking water and, with assistance of a UV light source, will positively identify E. Coli, a particularly unpleasant type of coliform bacteria associated with fecal matter, if present in the water.
Boil Water Advisories….
If you found yourself saying, “I don’t need to worry about bacteria in my water supply. My city/town/village issues ‘boil water advisories if a problem exists in the water supply.”
Very true since the law requires public water systems to issue public warning in the event of a water main break or other noticeable problem with the system that could possibly allow unwanted contaminants (like bacteria) to infiltrate the water supply.
Problem: What if officials don’t KNOW about a cracked line miles away from the water treatment plant on a low pressure leg of the water delivery system that runs under an area where a bit of added moisture in the ground really wouldn’t catch anyone’s attention?
Problem: What if the pipes connecting your home or business to the public water supply have somehow become damaged?
Not too Likely but Still a Potential Problem: What if the folks assigned to take care of water testing in your local water treatment plant decided to skimp on testing because of budgetary constraints — or just plain laziness — and a contamination issue caused by a failing check valve goes unnoticed for a period of time.
Moral of the story?
No one but YOU has ultimate responsibility for the purity and safety of the water that you and your family consume and as you can clearly see, that applies to folks on municipal water supplies as well as folks on private wells.
Conducting a simple $6 test every month on your water could potentially keep you and your family from suffering the ill effects of E. Coli contamination.