In a previous post we hinted at the existence of a testing procedure for the presence of peroxides in organic solvents. For safety and liability reasons we opted not to go into detail about it, as our areas of expertise deal with testing for specific water parameters and not for specific parameters of other liquids such as organic solvents.
Peroxides formed in/over organic solvents can lead to very dangerous, explosive situations and although we will now discuss (briefly) a testing method for peroxides in organic solvents, we suggest that all parties concerned over such matters consult with the manufacturer(s) of their chemicals for better, more detailed testing, storage and safety information.
For hydroperoxide determination in organic solvents, moisten the test pad of the WaterWorksTM Peroxide Check test strip with the solvent. Allow the solvent to evaporate and dry. Moisten the test pad with a drop of distilled water. The formation of a blue tint or color on the test pad indicates the presence of hydroperoxide.
The above test procedure provides qualitative results, not quantitative results, and serves as a presence/absence testing method only.