We may have addressed this matter in the past, but we would rather repeat ourselves a dozen times on a topic like this than have people not properly disinfecting their wells.
Today’s inquiry comes from ‘DdavidD’ who asked, “Hi hope you can hlep. We got a well bleach kit from the hardware store to clean our well and want o know how we know when enough has been added. Directions tell us to test but what do we test with? Thanks”
Most kits for disinfecting a well contain instructions for properly using their contents and we HIGHLY suggest that you follow the darn things — else risk using too little and not getting the job done or adding too much and risk damaging your well equipment.
Most kits will recommend maintaining levels of free chlorine much higher than any DPD Reagent Based Water Test Kit can possibly detect without messy dilutions which, if not done carefully, can easily result in flawed free chlorine readings.
So… how can a person test for 20, 50 or even 100+ ppm free chlorine? Simple: SenSafe/WaterWorks manufactures a product called High Range Free Chlorine which can detect up to 120 ppm free chlorine in just a few minutes without the user needing to mix chemicals or perform dilutions.
If you need to test for even HIGHER levels of free chlorine than 120 ppm, then we suggest you take a look at the Ultra High Range II Free Chlorine Test Strips contained in the Childcare Sanitizer/Disinfectant Water Test Kit.
Don’t let the word ‘childcare’ in the name fool you. The makers of this ultra high range free chlorine test strip designed it specifically for use in average tap/well water that contains super high levels of free chlorine — up to 2,000 parts per million free chlorine!